Sasikumar made his directorial debut with Subramaniapuram. After that, Sasikumar directed the movie ‘Eason’ after which centered on performing. The movies ‘Ayothi, Garudan, Nandan’ which had been lastly launched grew to become hits.
At present, he has completed performing within the movie ‘Vacationer Household’ which is the fifth movie produced by Million Greenback Studios, which produced the movie ‘Good Night time’. This movie is directed by Abhishan Jeevind. Actress Simran is performing reverse Sasikumar on this movie. Yogi Babu, Mithun Jaishankar, M.S. Bhaskar and Ramesh Tilak have acted collectively.
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj lately launched the title teaser and first look poster of the movie. Shaun Roldan has composed the music for the movie.
Sasikumar is at present dubbing for ‘Vacationer Bemali’. The discharge date of the movie is but to be introduced. The discharge date is predicted to be introduced quickly.