Directed by Prashant Varma, the movie ‘Anuman’ was launched within the theaters on January 12 on the event of Pongal. Deja Sajja performs the hero of the story, reverse actress Amrita Iyer. Together with them, Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Roy, Ketap Seenu, Raj Deepak Shetty and others performed vital roles.
This movie, which collected greater than Rs.300 crores, was produced by producer Okay. Niranjan Reddy on behalf of Prime Present Leisure. Following the success of this movie, director Prashant Varma goes to direct the sequel ‘Jai Hanuman’.
Whereas the director has mentioned that the solid of the movie can be introduced quickly, it has been reported that Gandhara actor Rishabh Shetty can be appearing within the movie. This was introduced by the movie group by releasing the primary look poster of Rishabh Shetty. This poster is at the moment going viral on the web.