Suriya, the main actor of Tamil cinema, has now completed appearing within the movie ‘Kangua’. It has been introduced that the movie will launch on November 14th in additional than 10 languages internationally. Directed by director Siva, this movie has been produced by Gnanavel Raja on behalf of Studio Girin. This movie is predicated on historic plot.
Actress Disha Pathani has acted reverse Suriya within the movie. Additionally Bobby Deol, Yogi Babu, Redin Kingsley and plenty of others have performed necessary roles. Devi Sri Prasad has composed music for this movie. Actor Suriya has performed a twin position.
In the meantime, the trailer of the movie was launched not too long ago and obtained a superb response from the individuals. At the moment, the music launch of Ganguwa is occurring on the Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai. In it, the cinematographer in contrast Vetri Ganguwa with Seven Samurai.
In it, ‘Once I was learning in movie faculty, I noticed movies like ‘Gladiator, Braveheart, Seven Samurai’ and wished to work in these kind of movies. The movie ‘Gangua’ is made to meet such a want. Certainly this movie will win him many awards.
Seven Samurai is a 1954 movie directed by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. In comparison with the movie, the cinematographer Vetri has elevated the expectations for the movie.